Saturday, October 16, 2010

Lots, lots, lots, lots,and lots of pictures

Danica's new flower bows from Ashley, she looks so pretty, she kept trying diff ones on every few min when we got home.

We have a lot of pictures here, I love my iphone. The camera is really great and I always have it with me, so in turn I am taking a lot more pictures of these adorable kids. Today (Saturday) Dan worked all day again, and so he wanted to do something fun for the evening with the kids. We took them down the street to the Amazing Maze. It was fun, Oliver was kind of not into it, but it was fun anyways. Then we went on a wagon ride, and then a sit by the fire while we had a soda. Then back home for some cookie decorating and movie night. Dan has still been extremely busy, which I'm trying not to complain, but it is soooooo hard not seeing him much and then only on Sundays for the whole day. This past Wednesday was my birthday and I was sick as a dog all day, it was by far the worst b-day ever. We weren't able to celebrate Dan nor mine this year, just too busy, so next year we'll have to do something special. The kids are really great. Dylan is so close to walking. 2 days ago he took 3 steps to me, and I wasn't even trying to work with him at the time. Now his favorite thing to do is hold hands and just walk all over, even with the kids, it's cute. He isn't really into baby food much anymore, so he pretty much eats what we eat, and he is no longer breastfeeding. Its been about a week, with only once a day and then completely non starting yesterday. He is doing great with it. I wanted him to be weened in case Dan and I went on a trip this fall winter. We are thinking about a cruise. Neither of us have been on one, there are so many to choose from. We have to do something to relax after the work load that he's had lately. Oliver is enjoying school. We went on a field trip to Fantasy Farms. It's a place where they dress up pumpkins and paint faces on them, they have a theme every year. Then there are a couple small mazes, hay wagon ride, and pumpkin donuts, which I never thought I would like and tried one this year,and liked it. Danica is also doing great. She is such a lover. Wants to be held a lot, loves to be in the kitchen with me whenever i'm in there, which is quite often. She loves helping me cook, I'm glad she has interest in it. I pray that she cooks for her family someday. She starts gymnastics Tuesday. It's at the parks dept in kendallville, 2 days a week. I really hope she likes it. We'll see ;) Well it's getting late and i 've got a house to get back in some kind of order before it's off to bed for me. Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful fall weather, that we're being blessed with.

Trick or Treating at Gordan's camp ground, It is so fun for the kids. Oliver is the HULK and miss Danica's a princess, no suprise there.

This happened 5 times in the corn maze tonight, crazy girl!

They ran through the whole thing.

Dylan was LOVING being on daddy's shoulders

Oh this is Dylan's fav breakfast. BLUEBERRY PANCAKES yum yum

Oliver on his feild trip. It was cute watching him interact with his class mates.