Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas continued

We had a wonderful Christmas. On Christmas Eve we went to Rhonda's side of the family for the evening. It was nice seeing everyone. Santa visited that evening and past out some goody bags to the kids, and Danica was petrified of him. She really didn't enjoy that part. We stayed til about 8:30 and then headed home. Christmas morning was nice. The kids slept in til 8:30. We had breakfast and then opened presents. We stayed home the whole day, playing and relaxing. Then in the evening we went to Dave and Rhonda's for a delicious dinner, and more gifts. It was another good evening. On sat it was Dave's side of the family's Christmas. We went there and my Dad and Grandma came down from Chicago and met us there. They were here for a couple of days. They stayed at a hotel in town that had a pool so the two mornings they were here we went over swimming. Danica is fearless of the water. We enjoyed the visit from them. It is always nice to see them. Everything else is going well. Dylan had another test done on Wednesday and everything turned out fine. So next week we go to the urologist to hopefully find out why his kidneys are still showing the problem. He is a great baby. Well that is all for now. I have to get dinner going.

This is Dylan's baby blanket made by Great Grandma Kessel. His Christmas present!!!!
Danica's beautiful quilt from GGrandma Kessel.

Dylan's blankie made by my aunt Joey.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

Danica's Christmas present, from Grandma and Grandpa. She loves it. Now she can ride something while Oliver rides his dirt bike around the house.
Christmas at Grandpa's and Grandma's house tonight.

Christmas eve
I'll post more later.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Oh, life with three kids........

Things have been going really great. I have been managing three kids pretty well if I may say. I am actually more organized and keep a cleaner house now that I have tree. Which doesn't make much sense, but it is true. It may have something to do with the fact that I don't go anywhere anymore. So I have loads of extra time on my hands. I have ventured out once with all three kids. On Monday Dylan had a doctor's appt. It went OK. He was 2 oz away from his birth weight. Which I wasn't too happy about. But the doc said it was OK, that if he was there in another week he would be fine. So I have been trying to feed him every 2 hrs instead of three. After that we went to JCPenny's to get all tree kids pictures taken together. It was awful. Danica was terrified of the room and the lady taking the pics. Needless to say I only got one of the three of them together. Then Dylan got some done that turned out cute. Other then that we have been playing it low key. We haven't decided if we are going to go to extended Christmas's this year. With Dylan being so young we may skip them this year and hang out at home. The kids are doing so wonderful with a new addition in the family. Danica hasn't been acting out or things along that line. Which I thought she would. Oliver has been the biggest help to me. He is certainly growing up fast. And baby Dylan is a delight. He is such a great baby. His is awake more then the other two were at this age. It's nice though. He wakes up every three hours at night, and then goes right back to sleep. I am so completely in love with my family. Everyday I thank God for giving this life to me. Dan has been working alot lately. He went back to work the day after we got home, but that was the best thing for me. I was able to get my routine down right away, and things just worked out. My recovery has been amazing. I am very thankful for a wonderful doctor. He did a great job on my c section. Yesterday I started walking on my treadmill. It felt good to start exercising. I have 3 more weeks until I can do abs and run. Can you tell I 'm looking forward to it!!!! Well that is all for now. Hope everyone is having a great Christmas season. Lots of Love!