Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas 2008

Danica reading her new book. Oliver, Chase, and Danica at the tool bench.

Oliver and Danica playing with the shopping cart.

Christmas 2008

It has been a fun week. Dan's sister and her husband and their son have been visiting for about a week. Their son Chase is 4 months older then Oliver. The two of them have been playing everyday together, it has been exciting. Danica likes to do what the big boys are doing, so we have to watch her closley. Christmas eve we went to Dan's mother's side of the family for a get together. It was a lot of fun. The boys favorite toy that they found there was a toy shot gun. So they shared that most of the time. We didn't get home until about 9:30 so it was a late night for the kids. For one of Oliver's Christmas presents we got him a Thomas the train table and train set. We brought it upstairs that night, and I got all the presents out and stockings, we wrapped the table, and set up the video camera that way we would be ready in the morning. The kids woke up around 7:45 and Oliver wasn't in the best mood. Dan said Merry Christmas to him and he said No! Dan explained that you are suppose to say that on Christmas to people. Oliver wasn't being very cooperative. Dan said no presents until you say it, thinking all along that he would say it and we could open presents. Well that wasn't the case he refused to say it, and so we put him back to bed and he just laid there for a while and we thought he just needed some time and maybe he would get some more rest and wake up a bit more pleasant. Danica this whole time was great, she kept going over to Oliver's train table that was wrapped up and checking that out. We let her open a gift, but she wasn't that into it. Oliver came back out about 30 min later adn wasn't interested in opening anything so we all just played together for a while and then got ready and went down to Dan's parents house. The funny thing was that he said Merry Christmas about 10 times down there. Oh well we had fun. That night we came home around 7:00 and had our Christmas, and it was great. Danica got a beatiful wooden baby craddle with a Lee Middleton doll with it, she got a baby stroller that is just perfect for her to push it is a sturdy plastic one. Danica actually recieved 2 craddles, the other one was from great grandma kessel, who made a quilt that matched one she had made for Danica when she was born. Danica got some other fun toys as well. Oliver got a little tikes police car to ride around in it has a siron too, he got a work bench with tools, and some more little things. All in all we had a wonderful Christmas.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Family in Colorado

These are some pictures when we went to Colorado a month ago. It was alot of fun, really relaxing. The weather was very nice, it was in the 40's the whole time and sunny. This is nana and aunt Codi and uncle Anthony, Grandpa Tony was there but we didn't get any pics with him.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

This has been a very laid back weekend. Both the kids have had a little bit of a bug for a few days. Yesterday we went to Chain O Lakes for a short hike. Dan carried Oliver on his back in the carrier and I had Danica. I wasn't sure if Oliver would want to be in it, but he was loving it. Danica was so bundled up she looked like a pink ball with a little face. Then we came home and had nap time, they were both pretty tired. It is nice that there isn't much to do in the winter time, it forces you to get creative with what to do with your time. We spend alot of time playing with play dough, painting, watching movies and just hanging out together. With Dan not being busy right now, we get to spend alot of time as a family. Today Dan stayed home with the kids and I got to go to church. And the rest of the day we are just playing with the kids and Dan might go hunting. Well I need to get Danica down for a nap. See you later-Ivy

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Oliver and Danica playing

Danica by the tree, pushing her chair.
Oliver and Danica cooking in their kitchen.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

family christmas tree 2008

Kessel Family

This is my first time at this so bear with me. I'm starting this first because my entire side of the family lives scattered throughout the United States. My husband Dan, his family lives around here. My Dad lives in LasVegas, my Mom and Step-dad, brother and sister live in Colorado, and everyone else is all over the place. So since I am awful at sending recent pix I thought this would be a good thing, plus my two great friends have a blog and they are so cute. Oliver who is two years 5 months and Danica who is 10 months are growing and changing so fast. Dan and I are so blessed by having two beautiful healthy children. We thank God daily for their health and happiness. It is DEC. 10 and we are getting ready for Christmas. We went on monday and cut down our tree up north about 45 min away at Booth tree farm. Its alot of fun to walk around and find the perfect tree and then Dan cuts it down w/ a saw. Usually we go on the weekend because the have two horses pulling a wagon and take you back the trees, drop you off and pick you back up in about 10 min. But this year it didn't work out to go on the weekend. that night we decorated it, which consisted of Oliver taking all the decorations out of their boxes, kicking the bulbs around, Dan telling me I'm doing a great job while he watches me, and Danica was sleeping. It turned out really nice though. Well I have to figure out the rest of this set up. Bye