Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sick Days

watching a movie together so that mom could clean up the kitchen w/out holding a baby at the same time.
My little handy man working at his work bench.
Danica looking so pitiful.

We have a house full of sick bodies, and the two small ones are the worst. In the last post I said how Oliver was sick and we took him to an after hours clinic on Saturday. He got on an antibiotic, and finally today I am noticing some improvement. Although he still has an awful cough. Well on Monday Danica started to get a fever and a cough. She only coughed a few times so I didn't worry to much about it. Then yesterday she was sick sick. Her and Oliver just wanted to be held, so I spent most of my day with them both in my lap. Last night she went to bed at 6:00. And I checked on her a couple of times, and around 10:00 Dan and I were getting ready for bed. I did my rounds checking the kids. To my surprise Danica was wheezing terribly,and extremely hot. So I took her into the bathroom and we sat in steam for a little while and then back to bed. I called my sister in law who is a nurse to see if there was anything I should do. Just the usual humidifier, steam, and then take her in to the doctor in the morning. Dan moved a mattress into the room and I slept in there. She woke up a couple of times, but of coarse I woke up all night. I was very paranoid because the was she sounded. In the morning I called the doctor and took her in at 11:00. Diagnosis is bronchitis! Yuk not what we wanted to hear. So she is on two antibiotics and breathing treatments 4x daily. We are praying hard that Oliver and her get better really fast. Here are some pictures from today.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A fun weekend outside!

What a beautiful, wonderful weekend we have had. All except Oliver having a bad cold. We have spent a lot of time outside this weekend. It's been 80 for a few days. Saturday We took Oliver to the doctor to get him checked out, it turns out his cold was heading down to his chest so they put him on something. Then we went to Chain o lakes for an hour to visit our friends. Then home to rest and relax. Then today Dan went riding, and the kids and I stayed home to play outside. We didn't go to church, because last night Oliver sounded so awful. I slept with him because I was afraid he would choke, or something. It was sad he would cough so much and then just cry because he hurt. But by morning his cough had gotten better. Anyways it was a good day for us. Here are some pictures from today. Hope everyone has a great week. What a cute little face!
Come on sis, I'll take you for a ride.

Oliver helping Mom planting flowers.

Danica was raking the rocks away.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Mother Daughter Banquet, and more!!!!

Well we have had a very busy few days. Thursday I worked all day down at the new baseball stadium in Ft Wayne, it was fun I power washed concrete all day. Then Friday was the mother daughter banquet at church which I am on the committee for. My job was decorating for it. So Friday afternoon the kids and I set out to Columbia city. They played at a friends house while I spent a few hour decorating w/ some friends. Then back home for naps, and I had to get ready for the evening. The theme was a Luau. So Danica and I wore something summery,and joined Dalene and Rhonda at the dinner that evening. Oliver had a boys night with Dad at home. Then on Saturday our small group at church cooked a big meal and brought it down to the Ronald McDonald House, next to Riley Children's hospital in Indy. It was a great experience. We sat with families who's children were in the hospital with life threatening conditions, it was sad. After that we all went to eat at the Cheesecake Factory,and then got home around 1:00 in the morning. The kids stayed the night at Grandma and grandpas house. Then Sunday we went to church and the rest of the day we just relaxed. And today I had another doctor appt. I had an ultrasound done to give us a due date. December 7 which makes me 7 weeks today. We are very excited, I am still feeling great. We are praying it stays that way. And for the rest of the day we are not doing much of anything. Here are some cute pictures.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

What a wonderful day we have had. First of all, to begin the day we were able to be apart of such a great church service, Adam's sermon was really good. To celebrate our Lord rising from the dead. We have been talking a lot about Jesus death and Resurrection with Oliver he is very interested in it. Now when he sees a cross he tells me Jesus died for us , our sins. It is so cute, and awesome when they put things together like that. Then off to Dan's parents for fun with the fam. Delicious lunch , fun Easter egg hunts and relaxing with the kids. Oliver and Danica cruised in their new Escalade truck that Grandma and Grandpa got them, it has a radio, and they thought it was way cool. Then we jumped on the trampoline and the kids kind of liked it, but they weren't totally sold on that one. I'm sure they will soon see how much fun it will be, especially when they see me worrying when they are playing around in it, those things scare me, at least this one has a sturdy net around it. Then we came home and since the kids didn't take a nap today they were both in bed by 7:00. ahhhhhh!!!!!!! Dan has been outside having fun building a track to ride his dirt bike on. It looks very fun. Which is why I am actually getting Easter pictures on here on Easter, it is nice when it works out like this. Well have a good week.

Friday, April 10, 2009

News flash!!!! Baby # 3

Well lets see, a lot of things have been going on lately. The most important update is that we are expecting baby #3 . Wow it still sounds weird. We are very excited about the surprise news. Dan is more nervous about the news then I am, but he's coming around. I'm not sure how far along I am but we will know soon. Monday is my first appointment. I will be seeing a new doctor in Fort Wayne . My previous doctor is no longer delivering babies any more. This will be different this time going to an actual OB doctor, I'm excited about it though. Onto the rest of the family. Danica is saying "Kitty" know. She really has no interest in saying real words. She enjoys talking baby talk, but we continue to work with her. She is a really fun little girl, who doesn't like veggies. Now come on I know it's crazy, she comes from me and doesn't like veggies. She is a fruit girl. The other night she refused to eat her dinner, so she was in her room most of dinner, and still after all that she still didn't eat it. Very frustrating when they are at this stage and there isn't much convincing/bribing that can be done. Other then the eating issues she is doing great. Oliver is riding a bike WITHOUT TRAINING WHEELS!!!!!!!! We are so proud of him. Last year my mom got him this European bike that didn't have peddles. They just use their feet to get it going. I teaches them balance, and from that bike they should be able to go straight to a two wheel bike w/out the training wheels. So he has been doing really well on that bike so Dan said we should get him a real bike. On Tuesday I think it was, Oliver and I picked out a bike, brought it home and took off the training wheels and he was riding it within 15 minutes. It was awesome. He looks so cute riding it. That has you caught up on what's happening at the Kessel house. I'll let you know next week how my appointment goes. Happy Easter! God Bless