Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Danica in a big bed!!!!!!

We have moved Danica into Oliver's room. Today was the second day and she is already doing better. We are getting them two twin beds, but for now she is on a mattress on the floor. That is how we started Oliver off when he went to a big bed. That way they don't have a long fall. She looks so small in the bed. But I think they will really like being in there together. Oliver already wants to go take a nap when she goes down for hers. I have to explain that it isn't your time yet, but soon. It will work out. She goes down 30 min before him for nap time, and tonight we put them down at the same time, and she didn't cry at all.
This is a picture of our 1/2 built play set. They can climb up using a latter, and there is one slide. There is a lot more to add, but we're waiting on them to come in, so soon it will be done.

The weather hasn't been normal here. We haven't been in the pool for a while, but we are still outside a lot. Last weekend Dan was home the whole weekend. It was nice, even though he was busy it is just nice having him right here. This weekend I think he will be riding . So the kids and I will have to find something to do.
This is Danica on her swing. She will swing for 20 min at a time. She loves it. Saturday she only wanted Dan to swing her. Because he does under dogs, and apparently that is much more fun.

Well that is all I've got now. God Bless!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

What an update we have for you.

Our little baby boy is giving his family quite the worring this pregnancy. I had an appointment monday and our 20 wk ultrasound. It wasn't the best new that we got. They said everything looked great but something with one of the kidneys was showing the hole where the urine goes into it was dialated more then normal. So they sent us to a specialist today and the prognosis was better then expected. It is dialated, but it is on the more milder side. They did an extensive ultrasound. They didn't find anything else that sent up any red flags. The reason they look for other stuff is because down syndrome is a concern with this kidney thing. But we are in a low percentile for him having downs. So we are still praying hard for him. We go back in 6 weeks to see if it has gone down or gotten bigger. So that is what is new with him. Dan and I are going to seriously work on naming this precious boy.
Oliver has gotten a new dirt bike last week. And has learned how to drive it w/out training wheels. He is doing so great on it, and totally loving it. It is his new favorite thing to do. Danica is doing great also. She is talking more now. She has such a personality, she's beautiful. Well this is good for now . We will post again soon.

20 weeks and 3 days

This is the night Dan brought his bike home. Oliver was very into it. He has been wanting one.

Little miss Danica playing in her house.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Oliver's Birthday

These are the pictures from Oliver's birthday. Friday evening we went to Chucke Cheeses, and then to Cebollias for some Mexican food, aka "chips and salsa and tacos". Grandma, Grandpa, aunt Dalene,and uncle Steve joined us for the evening. On Saturday the hospital in town here has an annual picnic every summer. It's fun, they have blow up bouncy things, pony rides little games, helicopter tours, and food. So Dan and I took the kids there and had lots of fun. Thank you so much to all who have celebrated with us. Oliver is thankful for the gifts and cards, it means a lot. Dan and I are so blessed to have such a great spirited son. He has a love for Christ that grows everyday, he is very brave, and is learning new things constantly. We love him so very much. While I'm here I'll give an update on Danica as well. She has been doing lots of new things lately. The cutest is at every meal time. She is our reminder to pray. She will fold her hands and look at us to pray, and then Oliver says grace for us. But the thing is, that she wants to do this throughout the entire meal, so we give lots of thanks over the course of our meal times. She is saying new words, such as, thank you, please, bible, read this, amen. She babels a lot throughout the day. It is nice to hear her talking more. Well that is all for now. Have a good week.

Oliver opening up the Thomas the Train stuff he got from his grandparents.
Oliver's very own computer.

Danica is standing on Grandpa's shoulder's, because she was getting restless.

Blowing out the candles on his crocodile cake.

Friday, July 10, 2009

The start of a party weekend! Oliver's 3!!!!!!!!

Well, we are starting the celebration today. Tomorrow Oliver is turning 3 and we have been having a really fun day so far. Played outside this morning, Oliver mowed the lawn, Then we went on a walk, and Oliver rode his bike. He does such a good job riding. And came home and he helped with the mixing,and bowl licking of his crocodile cake. When the kids wake up were off to Ft Wayne for lots of fun. Play at the park, then to chucke cheese, and end it with Mexican food at Cebollas. Oliver's choice. Then tomorrow our hospital in Kendalville throws an annual fun day/picnic every year. So we will go there in the afternoon and have more fun. So I'll post the continued party pictures on Sunday. Have a great weekend.
Taking a break on our bike ride this morning.

Miss Danica is really cute trying to ride this, her feet don't reach the peddles so she walks it.

Oliver mowing and weed wacking the grass, such a big help.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

No pix, but a scary story!

Ok we don't have any pictures for tonight's post, because my battery was low and I didn't bring the camera with me. Anyway we had a very eventful evening. We went down to my in laws for a fish fry. We were having fun, the kids were playing, I was doing hair. So after dinner I was inside waxing my brother in laws eyebrows, and I think the guys were outside. But maybe people were scattered around. Anyways Dave comes in looking for Oliver, and well we thought he was outside with the guys. Well no one out of the 8 of us knew where he was. So we are all running all over the property yelling for Oliver, and this is a big area to cover, lots of places for a curious little boy to go and explore. Well after 5 min or longer I'm starting to freak out, I'm crying, screaming for him, running like crazy. Which I haven't ran at all for well over a month and a half. Anyways, Dan is up front in the field where there is a little water hole looking there and Dave sees one of the dogs wayyyyyy out in the back field. So he heads out there and someone yelled that they thought he was out there, so I run out there and Dave got to him before me, to find Oliver in the corn field trying to go poop. OK he went past the shop, up a small hill, around a corner, down a small hill, across the creek, and into the corn field. WOW!!!!!! And just looked at us like, What is all the fuss about? Oh he got a good talkin to from his very upset mother! After I hugged him so tight,and kissed him about 5 times. So that was our 2009 4th of July. Lots of fun. Other then that it was a really nice evening. We ended it with fireworks there at the house. Danica and Oliver liked them a lot. Danica especially liked the loud ones which surprised me but it was cute. Now both kids are in bed and Dan is going to bed to rest of a big race tomorrow. Pray for safety and lots of fun. Goodnight.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

17 weeks and some cute kids

I've been meaning to post a picture of my growing belly. On monday I went to the doc and everything went great. In 3 weeks we go in and get an ultrasound to find out what we are having. I am very excited. At first I didn't want to find out but know that I'm getting the oppurtunity to I want to. It's been cool for the last few days. So we havn't been out side to play. This weekend it's suppose to get nicer out. Hope everyone has a great 4th of July.

Movie and popcorn. Danica only watches the movie for a few minutes.

This was the other day. Their new fun thing to do is get into the toy box and totally empties it. They both think its so funny. It is cute, until I have a huge mess to clean up, oh well.