Monday, January 11, 2010

Dylan and mommy time

Things have been quiet around here. Oliver and Danica left for Florida early sat morning. We took them to Dave and Rhonda's Fri night so they could sleep there, because they were leaving at 4:00 am. It was hard leaving them. But I know they are going to have such a fun time. It's been nice spending time with Dan and Dylan. A lot more low key around here. This week will go fast I'm sure. We're going to spend time with friends and I am doing hair 2 days this week.

Dylan has been cooing more. It is so precious. Here is a video from this morning, it's a little hard to here, but he does it a couple of times. He is such a blessing to our family. I'm looking forward to spending the week with just him.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Dylan's doctor's appoitment

We had a doctor's appt. for Dylan with a urologist yesterday. The kids and I had a hard time finding the place. We went to the wrong office, so then we piled back in the car to drive across the parking lot to the correct one. Then we went in the wrong end of the building, they had a hallway so we didn't have to go back outside to get to the office we needed. Once there we waited for 30 min, and then saw the doc. He looked at the films from his previous ultrasound, and vcsu test(not sure that is correct abbreviation). He said the dialated renal pelvis isn't bad enough to be put on antibiotics. He says that most babies out grow this. So in three months we go for another renal ultrasound, and then back to him for a check up. We are very blessed that this is a mild case and he is a healthy baby. Last weekend I started having Dylan sleep in his room in his crib. He is doing great. He goes down around 8:30 or 9:00, and sleeps to around 2 or 3 am. I feed him and he usually goes back to sleep. Last night he woke up again around 5 and I let him cry for a little while and he fell back to sleep,and i woke him up at 7:00!!!!!! I could be eating my words later though. It is soooo unpredictable with babies. So far today Dylan has been awake since 7:00 this morning, he has finally fallen asleep at 12:00, and no I didn't let him cry for that long, about five min into him crying I go in and get him and hold him. Oliver is leaving Saturday to go to Florida with Grandma and Grandpa. They might be taking Danica as well. I'm not sure how I'm going to do, but I keep on telling myself that they will have lots of fun. I won't know what to do with myself. I'm sure I'll keep busy. Well I have to get some house work done. I'll leave you with these cute pictures.
This was this morning, she has been trying to get herself dressed lately.

They got these towels for Christmas, they love using them.