Sunday, November 29, 2009

Dylan Jeffrey Kessel 11/28/09

Well Saturday morning at 6:15 we arrived at Parkview North Hospital in FT Wayne. They took us back to a preop room and took all our info and I got changed. They took labs and we waited there for about an hour and a half. Then Dan got dressed in his scrubs. They took me back alone to the operating room and I waited with the nurses in there and we talked about different things, they were very nice. Then my doc walked in with a big Pilgrim hat on and said happy thanksgiving. He is a funny guy. Then the anesthesiologist came in and gave me a spinal, which wasn't bad at all. He was great at explaining everything before he did it. Then they brought Dan in. By that time I was numb from belly down. It is definitely a weird feeling. But I kind of enjoyed it, it was a completely relaxed feeling, until they started pulling and tugging at things inside me. I could feel them pulling him out, which was very strange. He was born at 8:40 and was 7lb 14 oz and 19 inches long. Because of him being breech they really had to tug on him to get him out. They pulled his butt out first. Once they had him out he started grabbing at their tools and tubes, and crying very loudly.The doctor and nurses explained that the way a baby acts when they are born tells a lot about their personality. So it will be interesting to see if Dylan is going to be an in charge loud type of guy. Then Once they started to put be back together I started to get sick, 3 times. The anaesthesiologist gave me something right away to help the nausea, but it came back in waves. When I was getting sick Dan was sitting next to me holding Dylan, and began to feel sick and light headed. A nurse took Dylan from him right away. Then attended to Dan, making him sniff alcohol pads, and then took him out of the room for the rest of the time. It didn't take that much longer and we were brought to a recovery room where I was able to hold Dylan and breastfeed him. He latched right on, and ate for like 45 min straight. I got to hold him the whole time in there. About and 1 1/2, 2 hours later we were brought to our room. That day went good. My pain wasn't that bad, but I was definitely taking things to help me out. Saturday night, at around 7 or 8 I was able to stand up and that felt great. Then at 11:00 PM, I was able to get my catheter out and IV. Then Dan and I went for a walk, that felt soooooo good to get out of bed. Dylan had a long fussy stretch from 8:00- 12:00 last night. So at around 12:00 I brought him to the nursery and got some shut eye. Then at 3:00 he came back and ate but wouldn't let me put him down , so he went back until 6:30 this morning. Today he got circumcised, and he has been sleeping the entire day. He has been eating pretty well, I just have to take his clothes off to keep him eating. This morning I took a shower, and saw my incision. It looks weird, it's longer then I thought it was going to be. We are hoping to go home tomorrow sometime. Dylan will have to get an ultrasound done on his kidneys.

The kids came up with Dave and Dalene yesterday afternoon. They did great. They both were very interested in Dylan. It was really nice to see them. I struggle with not seeing them for a couple of days. They are having soooooo much fun at Grandma and Grandpa's house, cousin Chase and Aunt Davette are in town, so that is a plus. Well that is all for now. Thank you to everyone for the thoughts and Prayers we have received throughout this pregnancy. Our Lord is a wonderful provider, and has gotten us through so much. God Bless you all!!!!!

Our beautiful kids with their Dad.
Danica holding her little brother.

Dad in scrubs, ready to meet his little boy.

Dylan Jeffrey Kessel

Our family

Mom and my sleeping baby.