Monday, November 1, 2010

just pictures :)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Lots, lots, lots, lots,and lots of pictures

Danica's new flower bows from Ashley, she looks so pretty, she kept trying diff ones on every few min when we got home.

We have a lot of pictures here, I love my iphone. The camera is really great and I always have it with me, so in turn I am taking a lot more pictures of these adorable kids. Today (Saturday) Dan worked all day again, and so he wanted to do something fun for the evening with the kids. We took them down the street to the Amazing Maze. It was fun, Oliver was kind of not into it, but it was fun anyways. Then we went on a wagon ride, and then a sit by the fire while we had a soda. Then back home for some cookie decorating and movie night. Dan has still been extremely busy, which I'm trying not to complain, but it is soooooo hard not seeing him much and then only on Sundays for the whole day. This past Wednesday was my birthday and I was sick as a dog all day, it was by far the worst b-day ever. We weren't able to celebrate Dan nor mine this year, just too busy, so next year we'll have to do something special. The kids are really great. Dylan is so close to walking. 2 days ago he took 3 steps to me, and I wasn't even trying to work with him at the time. Now his favorite thing to do is hold hands and just walk all over, even with the kids, it's cute. He isn't really into baby food much anymore, so he pretty much eats what we eat, and he is no longer breastfeeding. Its been about a week, with only once a day and then completely non starting yesterday. He is doing great with it. I wanted him to be weened in case Dan and I went on a trip this fall winter. We are thinking about a cruise. Neither of us have been on one, there are so many to choose from. We have to do something to relax after the work load that he's had lately. Oliver is enjoying school. We went on a field trip to Fantasy Farms. It's a place where they dress up pumpkins and paint faces on them, they have a theme every year. Then there are a couple small mazes, hay wagon ride, and pumpkin donuts, which I never thought I would like and tried one this year,and liked it. Danica is also doing great. She is such a lover. Wants to be held a lot, loves to be in the kitchen with me whenever i'm in there, which is quite often. She loves helping me cook, I'm glad she has interest in it. I pray that she cooks for her family someday. She starts gymnastics Tuesday. It's at the parks dept in kendallville, 2 days a week. I really hope she likes it. We'll see ;) Well it's getting late and i 've got a house to get back in some kind of order before it's off to bed for me. Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful fall weather, that we're being blessed with.

Trick or Treating at Gordan's camp ground, It is so fun for the kids. Oliver is the HULK and miss Danica's a princess, no suprise there.

This happened 5 times in the corn maze tonight, crazy girl!

They ran through the whole thing.

Dylan was LOVING being on daddy's shoulders

Oh this is Dylan's fav breakfast. BLUEBERRY PANCAKES yum yum

Oliver on his feild trip. It was cute watching him interact with his class mates.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fall Time

Well it has finally started to get cooler outside, I was very ready for it. The kids have enjoyed playing outside more now that it is nicer. I'll have to say that we have been hanging out a lot at home lately. Dan has been working so much, and so the kids and I just hang out. When he is home we just want to be all together and relax, so it's been great. Dan just had a birthday last sat, he turned 28. He worked the entire day and didn't get home until 7:30. We had Dave over for dinner, and we were joking that we were having daddy's birthday dinner without him, he got home soon after. We're going to try again this weekend. I can't complain, he is such a hard worker for our family, we are sooooooo blessed to have him. We went to a tailgate party Friday night at my old high school, with our small group from church. It was a lot of fun, Danica became friends with this boy that is quite older then her, and she followed him around the whole night, very funny. Daddy had a talk with her on the way home that boys are bad :) Well I've got to go, now that Oliver doesn't take naps anymore my afternoons are quite full. Hope everyone is enjoying the fall season.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lovin Life

We have been having a great end of summer time. Oliver started preschool a month ago and loves it. He goes 3 days a week for 3 hrs, and is enjoying his time there. I ask him if he is learning things and he says that they play, and one of my friends says that that is a good teacher if they think their just playing. So we'll see. We aren't sure if we'll do another year of preschool next year or go to kindergarten, it will all depend on how this year goes. Danica enjoys the one on one time we get while Oliver's in school and Dylan is napping. So much for getting a few things done around the house, because with her partner in crime gone she is quite needy, but I do enjoy it. Dylan is my little love-bug. He is such a cuddlier and is such a great baby, he makes it easier to three youngsters running around this house. He just stands and hangs out where ever the action is. Dan is super busy with work, so we haven't seen him much but when we do we really enjoy our time together as a family. That's all for now, here are some pictures of the kids.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Summer time update

We have been having such a wonderful summer. We've had an overnight at the cabin, and here are some pics from that fun night. We have had too many colds, ear infections, tonsillitis ,mouth-foot-hand disease, and some more colds, yuck! We've had a Chicago trip a couple weeks ago, to visit my dad and his family, we love having them close by. It has been so hot and I haven't been wanting to go outside much. The kids are doing great. Oliver starts preschool on Friday. He is very excited, he'll be going mon, wedn, fri., in the morning. It will be so nice for him to get out and around other kids his age, that is what I'm mostly looking forward to. Danica is wilder then ever, she is so much fun, very lively. She is our free spirit. She has chosen to not wear dresses or skirts anymore, (unless it's church or out to dinner), just shorts, and whatever she has on it has to have some kind of pink on it. She is very very independent. I know I'll appreciate it more later. Dylan is a bundle of pure joy. He is everywhere in the house, his fav place to hang out is the train table. He just makes his way around it hanging out with his cool brother and sister. His sixth tooth is coming trough, and yes I'm still breastfeeding and we've come to an understanding and he hasn't bit for sometime now. He likes to eat his veggies more than his fruits, and really likes what were eating more then his, so I've been giving him quite a bit of our food lately. Dan is so busy working hard for our family. I'm sooooo thankful to have him as my husband and father of my children, he is such a great dad. Well I'm canning peaches tonight and its time to get started. fun at the cabin.

Sliding into freezing cold water, good thing it was 90 degrees out.

Sparkler time

Naked babies!

Relaxing by the fire, ready to make s'moures that they would end up not eating, so mom and dad polished them off.

This is the loft where they slept, I had to baracade them up there.

It was like 9:3o and getting ready to watch a movie to wined down.

Dylan is also climbing stairs now and makes his way there fast if he sees any.

Dylan playing when he is supposed to be sleeping, too cute.