Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas continued

We had a wonderful Christmas. On Christmas Eve we went to Rhonda's side of the family for the evening. It was nice seeing everyone. Santa visited that evening and past out some goody bags to the kids, and Danica was petrified of him. She really didn't enjoy that part. We stayed til about 8:30 and then headed home. Christmas morning was nice. The kids slept in til 8:30. We had breakfast and then opened presents. We stayed home the whole day, playing and relaxing. Then in the evening we went to Dave and Rhonda's for a delicious dinner, and more gifts. It was another good evening. On sat it was Dave's side of the family's Christmas. We went there and my Dad and Grandma came down from Chicago and met us there. They were here for a couple of days. They stayed at a hotel in town that had a pool so the two mornings they were here we went over swimming. Danica is fearless of the water. We enjoyed the visit from them. It is always nice to see them. Everything else is going well. Dylan had another test done on Wednesday and everything turned out fine. So next week we go to the urologist to hopefully find out why his kidneys are still showing the problem. He is a great baby. Well that is all for now. I have to get dinner going.

This is Dylan's baby blanket made by Great Grandma Kessel. His Christmas present!!!!
Danica's beautiful quilt from GGrandma Kessel.

Dylan's blankie made by my aunt Joey.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

Danica's Christmas present, from Grandma and Grandpa. She loves it. Now she can ride something while Oliver rides his dirt bike around the house.
Christmas at Grandpa's and Grandma's house tonight.

Christmas eve
I'll post more later.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Oh, life with three kids........

Things have been going really great. I have been managing three kids pretty well if I may say. I am actually more organized and keep a cleaner house now that I have tree. Which doesn't make much sense, but it is true. It may have something to do with the fact that I don't go anywhere anymore. So I have loads of extra time on my hands. I have ventured out once with all three kids. On Monday Dylan had a doctor's appt. It went OK. He was 2 oz away from his birth weight. Which I wasn't too happy about. But the doc said it was OK, that if he was there in another week he would be fine. So I have been trying to feed him every 2 hrs instead of three. After that we went to JCPenny's to get all tree kids pictures taken together. It was awful. Danica was terrified of the room and the lady taking the pics. Needless to say I only got one of the three of them together. Then Dylan got some done that turned out cute. Other then that we have been playing it low key. We haven't decided if we are going to go to extended Christmas's this year. With Dylan being so young we may skip them this year and hang out at home. The kids are doing so wonderful with a new addition in the family. Danica hasn't been acting out or things along that line. Which I thought she would. Oliver has been the biggest help to me. He is certainly growing up fast. And baby Dylan is a delight. He is such a great baby. His is awake more then the other two were at this age. It's nice though. He wakes up every three hours at night, and then goes right back to sleep. I am so completely in love with my family. Everyday I thank God for giving this life to me. Dan has been working alot lately. He went back to work the day after we got home, but that was the best thing for me. I was able to get my routine down right away, and things just worked out. My recovery has been amazing. I am very thankful for a wonderful doctor. He did a great job on my c section. Yesterday I started walking on my treadmill. It felt good to start exercising. I have 3 more weeks until I can do abs and run. Can you tell I 'm looking forward to it!!!! Well that is all for now. Hope everyone is having a great Christmas season. Lots of Love!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Dylan Jeffrey Kessel 11/28/09

Well Saturday morning at 6:15 we arrived at Parkview North Hospital in FT Wayne. They took us back to a preop room and took all our info and I got changed. They took labs and we waited there for about an hour and a half. Then Dan got dressed in his scrubs. They took me back alone to the operating room and I waited with the nurses in there and we talked about different things, they were very nice. Then my doc walked in with a big Pilgrim hat on and said happy thanksgiving. He is a funny guy. Then the anesthesiologist came in and gave me a spinal, which wasn't bad at all. He was great at explaining everything before he did it. Then they brought Dan in. By that time I was numb from belly down. It is definitely a weird feeling. But I kind of enjoyed it, it was a completely relaxed feeling, until they started pulling and tugging at things inside me. I could feel them pulling him out, which was very strange. He was born at 8:40 and was 7lb 14 oz and 19 inches long. Because of him being breech they really had to tug on him to get him out. They pulled his butt out first. Once they had him out he started grabbing at their tools and tubes, and crying very loudly.The doctor and nurses explained that the way a baby acts when they are born tells a lot about their personality. So it will be interesting to see if Dylan is going to be an in charge loud type of guy. Then Once they started to put be back together I started to get sick, 3 times. The anaesthesiologist gave me something right away to help the nausea, but it came back in waves. When I was getting sick Dan was sitting next to me holding Dylan, and began to feel sick and light headed. A nurse took Dylan from him right away. Then attended to Dan, making him sniff alcohol pads, and then took him out of the room for the rest of the time. It didn't take that much longer and we were brought to a recovery room where I was able to hold Dylan and breastfeed him. He latched right on, and ate for like 45 min straight. I got to hold him the whole time in there. About and 1 1/2, 2 hours later we were brought to our room. That day went good. My pain wasn't that bad, but I was definitely taking things to help me out. Saturday night, at around 7 or 8 I was able to stand up and that felt great. Then at 11:00 PM, I was able to get my catheter out and IV. Then Dan and I went for a walk, that felt soooooo good to get out of bed. Dylan had a long fussy stretch from 8:00- 12:00 last night. So at around 12:00 I brought him to the nursery and got some shut eye. Then at 3:00 he came back and ate but wouldn't let me put him down , so he went back until 6:30 this morning. Today he got circumcised, and he has been sleeping the entire day. He has been eating pretty well, I just have to take his clothes off to keep him eating. This morning I took a shower, and saw my incision. It looks weird, it's longer then I thought it was going to be. We are hoping to go home tomorrow sometime. Dylan will have to get an ultrasound done on his kidneys.

The kids came up with Dave and Dalene yesterday afternoon. They did great. They both were very interested in Dylan. It was really nice to see them. I struggle with not seeing them for a couple of days. They are having soooooo much fun at Grandma and Grandpa's house, cousin Chase and Aunt Davette are in town, so that is a plus. Well that is all for now. Thank you to everyone for the thoughts and Prayers we have received throughout this pregnancy. Our Lord is a wonderful provider, and has gotten us through so much. God Bless you all!!!!!

Our beautiful kids with their Dad.
Danica holding her little brother.

Dad in scrubs, ready to meet his little boy.

Dylan Jeffrey Kessel

Our family

Mom and my sleeping baby.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fall pictures of the kids

The other day we took some pictures of the kids. I think they turned out good. It is just such a pain to take them in for professional pics, so we usually only do that once a year. On Monday we went to a pumpkin patch with the mom's group I'm in. It was fun, they had a straw maze which was the kids favorite, then a wagon ride, farm animals, and a snack. It was lots of fun. This week has been crazy busy. I finished up all my mowing jobs for the year. And was suppose to do hair today but the kids are sick with a cold, so I cancelled. Tomorrow I have a doctors appt. Dan might make it to this one. It is suppose to rain all day tomorrow, so he'll get to take the day off hopefully. It will be his first time coming to this doctor with me. He came to one of the Specialist appt. but it hasn't ever worked out for him to come to my regular doctor. My friend Ashley got the good news of an induction date for her baby. In a week and a half. I'm just a little itys bitsy jealous of her,no I'm just kidding. We're very happy her pregnancy has gone so wonderful this time and that it is almost done. I haven't gotten the baby's room ready yet. Next week it will get painted and then I'll put the crib together. I just need to get a shelving unit for toys and order somethings for decorating the room with. It is so hard to decorate for a baby boy. I've really had to look hard, but finally found some things that will work. That is all for now, hope everyone has a good halloween weekend.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Big Buck, and some Dirt Bike Riding

We have been having a fun fall season so far. The kids are doing really great. A couple of weeks ago we went to a Halloween party. It was lots of fun, the temp were a little on the cool side. The kids didn't seem to care. This past weekend Dan and I took Oliver to a track to ride his dirt bike. He did so good. It was his first time at a track and he had lots of fun. He followed Dan around the whole time. They did some hills and towards the end Oliver was getting better at making it up them. That night, which was Sunday night, Dan went hunting and got a buck. He hasn't shot anything for a few years now. He is very choosy on what he will shoot. So at 7:00 at night I packed the kids up and we met Dan and Grandpa out in the woods to do "dear stuff" is what Oliver called it. He is very into hunting and Big Bucks. So he was very excited to hang with the guys that night. Yeah Oliver didn't get home until 10:30 and Dan got back at 11:30. It is nice that Dan and Oliver have the same interest. I'm very thankful.
Well I've got to get going. We are in between Internet providers, so we won't have access until next week, it is driving me crazy. So until then continue having a great Fall.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

playing catch up, but no pics!!!!

Well it has been soooooooo longgggggggg since I have blogged. About a month ago our computer crashed. So I've been using Dan's work laptop. And it doesn't have a program to download pictures on to it. But I couldn't wait any longer to give an update of our family.

So for the kids, they are doing so great. Danica is just such a precious little girl. She is more of a handful right now. She defiantly isn't taking much stuff from Oliver these days. She speaks her mind when he does something she doesn't like. They play really well together now. All day long they are usually playing with each other. Oliver always asks her to come with him if he goes into the next room, or wants to play downstairs. Danica is talking more and more, still she understands everything we say to her, it's amazing, and very nice. She is finally getting into playing with dolls. She will play with them throughout the entire day. She wraps them up in a blanket, put them in and out of the cradle, or give them a bottle. It is really cute.

Oliver is doing really great too. He is such a little man. I can't believe how fast he is developing. He went to the dentist last week for the first time. And he did great, he fell asleep during his cleaning. Oliver has always been really into keeping his teeth clean. A while ago he started wanting his teeth flossed. And since being at the dentist he wants me to floss them twice a day. It is so cute. When the kids were babies they were dedicated at church and received a children's bible as a gift from the church. Since then we read out of it every night, they don't let us forget that step. Anyways Oliver's fav story is David and Goliath. The story is about a paragraph long and he has it memorized. He will either say the words along with me as I read, or I can stop every few words and he will finish the sentence. We read the story every night, along with others.

The baby boy is doing well. We go back in a week to the specialist to see how his kidneys are doing. He is a very active baby. Which I am very thankful for. I did get a surprise last week. At 30 weeks I was tested for the second time for gestational diabetes, and pasted with flying colors. I was so thankful not to have that this time. This pregnancy is going quickly. I'm glad though because it is defiantly a lot harder the 3rd time. We will think longgggg and hard about having anymore. But the Lord has blessed us so much with a wonderful family. We truly are excited about having a third baby around here. Well that is about all that is going on here. Hopefully i can post some pictures soon, since I have a lot of them to show off. Until then God bless!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

24 weeks 6 days belly shot

We have had a fun weekend. Friday night we hung out at home and Oliver rode his dirt bike for over an hour. He was having such a great time. We have training wheels on it now because of him needing to learn throttle and brake control. Plus he likes it better now, he can ride it a lot easier. Danica rode on the dirt bike with Dan for a while also. She didn't want to get off. She is going to be a tom boy, I can already see it. Oh well, I'll still will put her in dresses and bows, even if she wants to go outside and get dirty with the boys. Anyways then on Saturday we went to Ft Wayne in the morning and I got Danica a bedroom suite. It is cute, it needs painted and one of the post needs fixed. I have to buy a canopy for the top . Once it is done it will look nice. Sat night Dan and I went on a nice date, to Biaggi's, a movie, and then ended with Debrands, yum! Today we had a great service and church. We have a new senior pastor. He is a really great addition to our church. Then home for naps and then more dirt bike riding for the kids and Dan. I stayed in and froze peaches for about 4 hours. I still have more to do tomorrow. I just keep thinking of the yummy pies we will be enjoying this winter. Well I need to get to bed, we have a very busy week ahead.

Oliver wanted a belly shot after I had Dan take some of me today to post. His looks a lot nicer then mine.
Danica playing in the car while we waited for the boys, she was getting into the wipes and washing her face. She is so stinkin cute. She is just talking up a storm now. Her personality is very happy, and fun. And her is mama. I am getting a lot bigger this time, but they say that happens with the third. I am still enjoying being pregnant very much.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Here are lots of new pictures of our cute adorable kids. We recently finished our play set. Well Dan, Dave, and Jeremy all put time into it. It took a little while but it is done now and well worth the wait. It is lots of fun for the kids to play on. We had a party here last weekend. It was really hot so it worked out that it was a pool party. Our small group from church gets together once a month and we got to host this month. It was nice because we were able to get quite a few things done around the house that we have been wanting to get done. Also this past weekend Dan, Oliver, and I went up to MI. for a Nascar race. We went with Dalene and Steve, and Dave. It was fun. Not something I will do again for a while, but now I can say I've been to one. We had a ,tailgate cookout before the race, which was fun. Oliver did surprisingly well, he got antsy at around lap 60 or so . Dave took him back to the van and they took a nap.

Then yesterday I had a doctors appointment that went really well. I was tested for gestational diabetes. I had this with Oliver and Danica. But praise the Lord I don't have it this time. I will be tested again at 30 weeks. So that was really good news, although I am a bit worried about not having to be on my stricked diet like before. But I will have to just try to be more careful on my own.

Danica and Oliver are doing really well. They play great together. They do get to each other throughout the day, but for the most part it has been really cute to watch them get closer as the are growing up together. Well it is late and I'm getting tired, have a great week.

Oliver playing at our tailgate cookout. He was having lots of fun.

These pictures are from last week. We went to a splash park with our friends Ashley and Lilly. It was really fun. The kids had a blast.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

July and August Fun

Here is a quick update with the Kessel family. We have been having lots of fun lately. These are pictures from Oliver's swim class, playing outside, a fair, and a church picnic. Oliver is all done with his swim class but he had a really fun time. He learned a lot, he doesn't swim on his own, but his confidence is really good in the water. A couple of weeks ago we went to Harlen Days, just a small fair with rides and games, and then out to dinner. It was nice though, because Danica was able to ride some rides and loved it. Everyday we play outside for a lot of the day. And the kids get so dirty. The other day we were walking Dan's dirt bike track which is the kids favorite thing to do. Danica got extremely dirty. She kept falling down and so the picture of her face all dirty riding in the jeep. It is nice that our kids don't care how dirty they get. They enjoy the 2 to 3 showers they get a day, but oh well, their kids. On Sunday we had a church picnic, on the hottest day of the summer so far. It was fun, the kids enjoyed playing games, at the playground, and drinking lots of water and lemonade. Well that is all for now, I'll try to post sooner next time.