Monday, January 26, 2009

New fun Pixs

What a cute boy.

Silly kids in the tub.

Danica at church in her pretty coat.
Blue eyed beauty.

Danica went into the bathroom while Dan was taking a shower and she opened the door and walked right in and plopped herself down and started to play. Clothes on and all!

What's New?

Sorry it has been soooooo long. Not that I've been busy, I just haven't gotten to it. Well things that are new around the Kessel house is that Danica is teething some more, and it has definitely been effecting her mood. She has been very clingy, which is nice most of the time you know the cuddling part, but when I need to get things done she just follows me around crying. But we will get through it. When she is walking around and falls she is trying to stand up on her own instead of crawling to something and using that to stand. She also can bend over and pick things up, and continue walking. She is doing so great with her new skill. Oliver is doing good as well. He is struggling a little more than usual with Danica. When she gets into what he is doing he gets really mad and yells in a very stern voice, "Canca get away, or Canca no!" That is how he says her name most of the time. We have tried everything, time -outs, spankings, taking toys away. If anyone has ideas on handling sibling rivalry let me know. Other than that he is doing great. We have noticed him saying more sentences. He is doing good with that part of development. Dan and I have been working out and Oliver stretches with us, its so cute. He does Pilate moves and tries to do push-ups. Hopefully he will like to take care of his body when he gets older, that kind of motivates me because he is always with me, playing when i'm working out. Oliver is getting much better with pottying #2. In Sunday school class he went on the toilet instead of his paints. At home we rarely have any accidents. I feel like I can see the end in sight. yes! Then I get to try it again in about 6 or 7 months with Danica. Back to Danica, she has moved over to bible class instead of nursery. She is growing up too fast. It is really nice having a great church, that has a wonderful children's program. I feel like the kids will get so much from being there. Well that is about all that is going on, well I will do better this week about blogging. God Bless!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Oliver and Danica

Dan stayed home today. I had asked him to put Danica down for her nap, and they played for a while first, he put her in her dolls cradle and she just layed there. She didn't fall asleep, but he took the picture when she blinked I guess. So cute!

This was at bath time tonight. Oliver was being funny. He likes to growl.

Danica Walks

Sorry it is sideways, this is the first video I have posted and didn't know I couldn't rotate it. There will be more not to worry. She has been takeing 3 steps here and there for about a month but the last couple of days she has been doing a lot more. Today she started walking across rooms. So we figured this was her official day.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

More fun at home

Oliver would climb up the slide and then he would push a big tractor or a bobcat down the slide, and it jumped off the bottom. Danica was getting a kick out of watching it.

Tonight while Oliver was playing playdoh I let Danica also. It was OK, for the first few minutes she continues to try and sneak a bite of it, but after hearing no for a few minutes straight she figured it out not to eat it, she even shook her head no at me one time. But it kept her attention for about 20 minutes.

This was the first time she has ever fallen asleep like this. How cute!

Danica hasn't used this the proper way for quite a while, she stands in it, lays the wrong way as you can see, and then just stands beside it and plays with the music part.

We were down stairs playing, and it seems that the only time I get a picture with the kids is if it's just us. Because I'm always the one snapping the picts and so I try every now and then to get one with them.

Down stairs Oliver does laps around on his Dirt Bike, That is what he calls it, he kick starts it and then he acts like he is turning the choke off, its so cute.

This week is going really slow. It is only Wednesday. I think I'm beginning to get tired of the snow. Dan has been gone a lot plowing. The kids and I have just been playing a lot. Yesterday we went to Fort Wayne and went to the farm show, and then out to eat. Oliver was in heaven at the show. There were combines, which are his favorite farm equipment. There were bobcats, big huge sprayers that looked like combines to Oliver. He climbed into everyone he could, and even found the key in one of the combines and started to crank it over. His grandma was with him that time, she said that it didn't turn completely over but he was on his way to starting the thing up. All in all it was the highlight of his week. Here are some new pictures.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Snowy Days

Danica in the trundle that goes under the train table. She likes to sit in there and go through the toys.

At the bottom of the hill Oliver is telling me "again mama again".

Danica's first time on the sled and loved it!

Oliver plays with this throughout the day, we left it in the living room because both the kids use it so much.

In the kitchen making a mess.

We have had a quiet week. It has been snowing for a couple of days now. Yesterday and today I took the kids outside and pulled them on their sleds. They both really liked it. Oliver and Danica enjoyed going down a small hill in the back yard. And then I had to pull them up, so I got a mid afternoon workout, because Oliver kept wanting to do it. Then today when we went outside Danica was in the stroller just hanging out while Oliver and I shoveled the walk way, then another sled ride. Dan has been plowing since yesterday. It is really pretty out with all this fresh snow. I have to be creative when we can't go and do anything. Oliver enjoys doing arts and craft things, so I try to look for ideas online, and Danica doesn't get bored yet so that is nice. I have started to rotate her toys every few days, and that helps with her attention span. Her are some new pictures.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Welcoming 2009

Danica sitting pretty for the camera
Boys being boys.

Danica and her baby.

Oliver and Chase at the park

Danica playing in her baby craddle. She tries to take the pacifier out of the doll's mouth.

Danica and Oliver playing in the shop.
Oliver playing on the snow mobile in Daddy's shop. He prenends to start it.

Danica and Oliver playing
Oliver and Danica looking cute

Oliver and Daddy on New Year's Eve

Dan's sister and her husband and son left this last Tuesday. It was nice having them her. We have gotten back on our schedules and routines, they pretty much go out the window when they are here. Only because we spend most of our time down at Dan's parents house. Which is a lot of fun. Anyways, Dan and I usually go to a progressive party with our friends at church on new years eve. We stayed in and had a fun night with the kids instead this year. Oliver and I made hot fudge ice cream cake while daddy and Danica played. We had bath time, and by then Danica was pretty spent so I put her to bed. We rented a bunch of movies, and after the cake we had popcorn and watched a movie. Oliver played and would go and lay down by Dan every few minutes to see what was going on in the movie. The other day we went to Lilly's b-day party. That was lots of fun. And today it is sunny out and the kids and went out side for a little while, and down to Dan's shop. Oliver and Danica like to play down there. Oliver rides his tricycle and Danica cruses in her walker. They do laps around, and crash into each other every now and then. Danica likes to follow Oliver or she tries to find the cat who lives down there. Things that are new with Dan and I. Dan recently bought new dirt bike. I have to admit it is a really cool one. It has a lot of modifications to it. So now Dan has begun working out to get ready to ride this spring and summer. He says that he needs to get into shape because this bike is going to be more to handle while riding, a.k.a faster. With him working out it is helping me to as well. On Monday I start an exercise class on Mon, Wend and a different one of Fridays. I am looking forward to it. We continue to pray about the economy and for work to start coming in. We just have to trust in the Lord that he will meet our needs, as he does everyday. Well here are some pictures from the last week or so.